Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Im Stuck Writing My Essay

I'm Stuck Writing My EssayI'm stuck writing my essay. Or rather, I'm trying to write an essay, but it's all kind of jumbled up in my head and the directions are all upside down. This is frustrating and sometimes a little embarrassing at the same time because if I just get the ball rolling again, I'll finish the project and I'll be able to share the information with the class or the audience.The problem is that every time I start, I can't seem to make anything stick. There's no sense in even trying to write an essay if you can't even put the words down in a coherent manner. This happens to be true for me right now. I can sit down and start an essay and write what I want to say, but the words just don't seem to come out of my mouth.As you might expect, I'm kind of embarrassed by this situation, but there's no way for me to feel good about it. I can do nothing but feel ashamed and annoyed. It's a vicious cycle that I know is going to keep going unless I figure out how to break it. And b reaking it would probably mean forgoing this article or going to a different point of view. Fortunately, I think I know what I need to do.Well, I guess it's a Catch-22. If I just sit down and start writing, I'd have to go back and re-write the whole thing. But then again, I can't keep doing that either. And so, it's kind of an 'either/or' situation.In fact, I actually started writing the essay before I was ready to take it to the next level. I tried to keep it simple, and tried to break it down into smaller parts. But each time I took it to the next level, I ran into the same problem.Each time I took the essay to the next level, I had to come up with some kind of 'editing software' to help me keep it straight. What I finally found was that I needed to take a few minutes each day to sit down and organize my thoughts, even if I wasn't aware of what it was at the time. It was a slow process, but the way I did it was quite effective.With that solution in mind, I was able to re-evaluate and come up with a plan of action to finally make some progress on my essay, and finally I'm stuck writing my essay. It's almost like I already wrote it in my head, but it took me so long to get there that I just never got around to doing it.I do hope you didn't get that impression. You're not alone. I'm so glad I finally did something about it and now I have my peace of mind and I don't feel so bad when I'm stuck writing my essay.